

12/3/2013 Multiple Entities (financial & non-financial)

Variants of the Pony Botnet Controller, a keystroke logging virus, were found to have compromised about two million accounts from some 93,000 web sites. They included 1.58 million web site log ins, 320,000 email accounts, 41,000 FTP accounts, 3,000 remote desktops, 3,000 secure shell accounts and more. Because these were access credentials the compromises could be, or not be, financial in nature.

Over 50+% of the compromises were from FaceBook, 10% each Yahoo and Google, 3% Twitter and smaller percentages for others including 1.4% for ADP, the payroll service. ADP said in a statement “To [its] knowledge, none of ADP’s clients has been adversely affected by the compromised credentials.”

Most of the hacks appeared to have come from the Netherlands, but this was misleading. A command-and-control server was in the Netherlands, but the compromises took place in 102 countries. Examination of the gathered credentials revealed poor passwords. The #1 most common password was 123456, #2 123456789, #3 1234, and #4 password.

The post http://blog.spiderlabs.com/2013/12/look-what-i-found-moar-pony.html
The story http://money.cnn.com/2013/12/04/technology/security/passwords-stolen/


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